What is a Direct Support Professional?
You may see the job title change—from Support Staff, Respite Worker, Home Staff, Day Program Staff, Employment Specialist, Key Worker or otherwise—but the goal is always the same: a Direct Support Professional offers necessary support to help people with disabilities thrive—at home, work, school, or wherever life takes them.
You’re along for the ride, ready to help the person you support overcome challenges and barriers, celebrate successes, navigate good and bad days, and grow. From tasks like meal prep or personal care like hygiene, to exploring the city or visiting friends, you’re there to help them navigate their lives and build skills and independence.
This takes trust and a personal connection, which you can establish by supporting them with their best interests and values in mind. The job requires you to be adaptable and flexible, which suits you if you’re looking for enriching experiences for you and the people you support each time you’re at work. (www.directsupportmb.ca)
Province of Manitoba Proclamation declared that the second week of September be designated as DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION WEEK.
Please read Honourable Nahanni Fontaine's words below:
As the Minister responsible for Accessibility, I am pleased to proclaim the second week in September (September 8-14, 2024) as Direct Support Professional Recognition Week in Manitoba.
I would like to thank the hardworking and dedicated Direct Support Professionals in our province for your unwavering commitment to serving our relatives living with disabilities.
Your invaluable service to Manitobans continues to significantly impact the lives of individuals and families daily. The differences you make, and your tremendous contributions to building stronger and more inclusive communities, are evident across the province.
You are a pillar in the work of support for people with disabilities in Manitoba, ensuring they receive the care, compassion, and respect they deserve.
We recognize how incredibly fortunate we are to have a group of highly skilled professionals like yourselves.
I want you to know that I and our government appreciate and celebrate you, not just this week but every day of the year.
Minister Fontaine
Honourable Nahanni Fontaine
Minister of Families
Minister responsible for Accessibility
Minister responsible for Women and Gender Equity Manitoba
Government of Manitoba
Room 357, Legislative Building